That our 6 year old got bored while cutting Barbie hair so decided to cut her bangs AGAIN. I thought that we were done with this 3 years ago, but apparently not. Luckily they are growing out fast because its hard trying to fix her hair in a way that hides her bangs. I don't think she will do it again, however, because she has been quite embarrassed this time around. Don't miss the mischievousness behind those gorgeous eyes :)
We are almost done with the changes we're making in the house. Its a good thing too, because I'm tired of the messes that we are finding and also the ones we are making. I'm loving the changes we've made. Tonight we'll finish off the bathroom and the last closet door.
A lot of things got put on hold or at least slowed down a lot starting last week when Ainsli got sick. Major ear infection with pink eye to boot. Now B has it and is a very unhappy little fella. Friday morning we got in an extra visit to the doctor when B fell off the Bowflex and busted open his mouth in a couple of places. The picture above is 4 days after the fact - it was bad. So swollen and sore, plus the $100 glue they used didn't work, so I'm praying it doesn't get infected. The next day he was up on it again, I guess I should be glad that he's back to his old self?