Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Brief Moments with no RAIN!

There has been so much rain the past few weeks, but we had a few little breaks in the rain when we were able to get outside for awhile and enjoy spring time - here's what we've been doing:
Helping Daddy weed the raspberry patch . . .
Using rocks to hold down blankets so the wind doesn't blow them away . . .
Playing with purple lizards and being heartbroken when they break . . . . .
Chasing the girls off the trampoline with a lawnmower . . .

So, we've been enjoying what we can of spring - but we are so ready for SUMMER! The girls get out of school this Friday and I can't wait! Yeah Summer! The sun is out today and I hope it stays for awhile - I really hope our garden starts growing and the seeds haven't all molded into the ground with all this rain - keeping my fingers crossed!

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